Oral Presentations

Plenary and Parallel Session Speaker Guidelines

Speakers of plenary sessions will be allotted 25 minutes for presentation plus additional 5 minutes dedicated to discussion.

Invited speakers will be allotted 15 minutes for presentation plus additional 5 minutes dedicated to discussion.

Please note that the Chairpersons of your session will have strict instructions to enforce this time limit, so time your lecture carefully!

The following points should be taken into consideration when preparing your oral presentation:

  • Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of your session. A PC computer provided by the meeting will be available in each room. Bring your presentation on a flash drive to load on the conference computer.
  • Power Point version that will be available on AV laptop is 2013. Please verify your presentation is compatible.
  • If you use your own computer, please be sure to disable all screen savers, system sounds and passwords.
  • MAC USERS: Please make sure that all inserted pictures are either JPEG or PNG file-types. QuickTime files are also an accepted video format.
  • If you will use your own computer it is recommended that you bring the correct display port to VGA video adapter for your particular Mac model.
  • Acceptable formats for presentations: PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Flash (.swf), Keynote.
  • Video Formats: The recommended video format for presentations is Windows Media (.wmv) or Quicktime (.mov).
  • There is a trade-off between high quality videos and large files. Use short video segments when needed, and try to keep the file to less than 20 MB.
  • PowerPoint embeds image files directly into the file when you save them, while video files are not embedded. Only a link is made to the video file. Copy the video clips you want to insert into the same folder as the PowerPoint file. This will eliminate the problem of PowerPoint losing the link to the file. Be certain to bring the video files and the PowerPoint files to the meeting.
  • Fonts: Arial and Helvetica are recommended for clarity and compatibility. Confirm a font size of AT LEAST 24 points for body text and 36 – 40 points for headings. Confirm that the maximum number of lines in text slides is no more than 6 or 7.
  • Bring a Backup: Be sure to bring a backup copy of your presentation with you to the meeting.

Poster Presentations

Poster presentation details

Your poster board number and set-up/removal times will be included in final conference programme. Please note that the number allocated to your poster presentation will be on the corresponding poster board.

Posters will be displayed on a free-standing horizontal board in the exhibition area of Congress Center. Please report to the Congress registration desk for instructions where also attaching material (short pins/self-adhesive tape).

Your poster space allocation is A0 size (841 mm wide x 1189 mm high – maximum size). Please note there will be two posters per board so clear identification is absolutely essential. We recommend to consider having a synopsis of your research e.g. total of 25 A4 sized copies of the poster, available at your poster, or a business card if people wish to contact you after the congress. These are to be placed in pockets attached to the poster (presenter’s responsibility).

Please be advised that at least one of the authors of the poster must attend poster session!

Poster design instructions

1. Posters should include the name(s) and affiliations of the author(s) to facilitate identification at the conference.

2. All text lettering, diagrams and photographs should be large enough to be legible at a distance of 1.5 m. Lettering used for titles should be 24 point minimum (preferably Arial font).

3. The use of figures and charts is suggested, avoiding excessive text.

4. The text appearing on the poster is to be written in English, suggested sections include:

  • Title: In English as it appears in the submitted abstract
  • Authors (main author’s photograph for identification is suggested)
  • Aim (brief)
  • Materials and Methods (brief)
  • Results (Captions and headings for photographs, tables, figures etc)
  • Conclusion/Discussion (brief)
  • References (limited to a maximum of 3)

5. In preparing the poster you should not attempt to detail your entire research history. Present only enough data to support conclusions or to explain the point(s) you wish to make. Data should be kept to a minimum in favour of diagrams and photographs. Aim to put across a simple message in an eye-catching manner.

For further enquiries and clarification please contact the Organising Committee.